NELSIP Kick-Off with Education & Training Providers
On September 30th twenty-seven representatives from Education & Training providers joined the NELSIP Project Team for a “kick-off” meeting to introduce the NELSIP to providers, who will be key stakeholders in developing the plan in the coming months. The meeting, at Vantec Europe in Washington, provided an opportunity to share and discuss the approach to LSIP development.
“We’re still at a very early stage of scoping the North East Local Skills Improvement Plan”, explained Paul Butler, CEO of North East Automotive Alliance, “but we were keen to establish early engagement with Education & Training providers in the region to outline our initial thinking on our approach to developing the NELSIP and to get their feedback on their involvement in that approach. We got some really helpful feedback from the providers who attended and we look forward to meeting with them regularly throughout development of the NELSIP. We will have regular meetings which all education and training providers will be invited to, and this will be supplemented by additional meetings to deep-dive key themes or requirement that emerge from employers.”
The project team are keen to include all interested Education & Training Providers in the development of the NELSIP. Any providers not already involved should contacts us to secure invitations to future meetings.
The North East Local Skills Improvement Plan
The North East Local Skills Improvement Plan (NELSIP) will be an employer-led plan which will set out the key changes needed to ensure post-16 technical education and training is responsive to the needs of employers in the South of Tyne region.
The NELSIP will drive the actions needed to supply the current and future workforce required to improve productivity, growth, and investment in those sectors key to the economic success of the region. The plan will provide local people in the South of Tyne region with access to post-16 education and training that is matched to future skills requirements and good jobs in sectors that are key to the long-term economic success of our region.
The North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA) will lead the development of the NELSIP, and will be working with businesses, education and training providers, and key stakeholders in the region to develop a plan by the end of May 2023. The plan will be informed by input from key sectors across the region, and the NEAA will be working closely with other employer bodies to seek this input.